3 Ways to Improve Running Performance Easily

There things we could do to improve running performance. Some of them may make sense, while others may not be appealing to many runners. Regardless, it is a good idea to be persistent in adopting one of these tips, instead of doing nothing:

3 Ways to Improve Running Performance Easily

  1. Build a strong foundation: Many runners tend to continuously beat themselves up by running continuously. They will try to set new records continuously. If they are able to run for 3 miles in 30 minutes, they will try to beat this time. Many new runners are able to break their own personal records two or three times, but things can become more difficult. Setting new records will be increasingly more difficult due to physical limitations, reduced motivation and mild injuries. Instead of trying to set new records, it is a better step to try building an ideal fitness foundation. Our body should have the opportunity to adapt and we will become more acclimatised. By having a proper foundation, we will not be injured. We can enjoy running and become more relaxed. Eventually our fitness level will improve and achieving it doesn’t require a personal trainer. It is possible to build up fitness foundation in just ten weeks. After we have this foundation, we should be able to incorporate more advanced running methods, such as races, hills and intervals.
  2. Change the scenery: Many runners can maintain their motivation by regularly changing their running routes. This will ensure a fresh and interesting running experience. During running, we should try to improve the enjoyment of the whole experience. We could have at least four different routes from our house. We may have a goal of reaching specific landmarks in our city or town. Sometimes, a short car ride could open up a new possibility, such as running to the beach or a beautiful valley. However, we should have zipped pocket to store our car keys and wallet on our running jacket.
  3. Listen to music: It is a good idea to bring portable music player. Many people can’t leave their house without bringing their smartphone. So, instead of bringing a separate MP3 player, we could install dedicated music player app. By playing music that we enjoy most, the distraction of listening to it could make running an easier experience. In fact, time and distance may pass quicker as we enjoy ourselves while listening to favourite music. Songs that we choose should also make us feel more energetic and upbeat. It is recommended to create different playlists for specific running situations. As an example, we could use slower music for longer, slower runs, but faster, more energetic songs for short distances. The number of beats per minutes should match our preferred running pace. When using smartphones as MP3 player, we could put it in a zipped pocket and it is preferable to use Bluetooth earphones.

These simple techniques will immediately increase our running performance.

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