Learning Management System – The Double-edged Sword!

The online world has widened its intensity to accommodate more and more of activities apart from creating and maintaining connections. The invention of the Learning Management System Software has paved its way to imparting training to people at large through the online platform. Moreover, it also plays a significant role in organizing, reporting, and tracking programs. This invention has opened doors to many new opportunities to use technology for the betterment of human civilization.

Learning Management System – The Double-edged Sword!

The genre of LMS began its journey in the late nineties which saw a feeble start that gradually went to grab the maximum number of eyeballs with each passing of the year. Just like every coin has two sides, a Learning Management System too has its two sides – the advantages and the disadvantages, that forms the personality of the much talked about technical invention. Today, let us have a look at the significance of a Learning Management System and also look into the challenges that it is facing in its path to achieve sanctity.

What led to the superiority of a Learning Management System?

Read on to find out the density of an LMS that lead to its popularity over the years.

1. A Learning Management System is the perfect epitome of technology and education merged for the betterment of mankind.

2. It gives unlimited access to contents on the online platform where the learner can access them at any time and from anywhere, accentuating the flexibility factor.

3. A great tool that measures the learner’s performance along with the progress. An LMS accentuates the facility to track a learner’s performance with much ease, giving an idea about his performance and accordingly provide guidance.

4. It saves up on time, labor and money which were once utilized for arranging a professional to impart training, getting everyone to the training programs, giving out the material and much more to the list which now holds a very feeble importance.

5. Easily expands the contents and functionalities apart from providing the opportunity to expand courses without any resistance.

6. It very well consolidates the art of social learning into the LMS integrations. Hassle free linking of the social media platforms to the LMS makes it easy to stay connected with the virtual world.

7. It encourages a self-based learning where the user can learn at his own pace without any limitation or rules.

What are the challenges that are draining a Learning Management System’s confidence?

Above-mentioned are the advantages that an LMS brings in with its existence. With advantages, you can also witness some shortcomings that if not dealt well could doom down the popularity of an LMS. Read on to find out its disadvantages.

1. There are many e-learning authoring tools that promise the best of results. Now, this diversity in the tool can prove to be a pain in the neck as you have to select the best and come up with the most promising LMS. Hence finding the perfect e-learning authoring tool is one of the challenges that every LMS developer has to face.

2. This modern invention loses human touch as the end user has to keep on communicating with the technical tools and devices. Lesser human intervention could be posing the risk of losing out the interest of the learners.

3. With the expanse of content in the market, sometimes it becomes difficult to choose the best and most lucrative content that would be gracing the online platform.

4. With a legion of audiences, it sometimes becomes difficult to segregate the audience and build an LMS that captures the interest of each and every generation that has a hold on the LMS.

5. Technology is such a phenomenon that keeps on updating with new entrants always making a debut in the world of technology. This demands constant upgradations for the Learning Management System in order to stay ahead of the crowd.

6. Putting in an element of vibrancy to all the mundane contents sometimes proves to be quite a challenging task. Making use of the different genres of content creation that includes audio, gamification, creative visuals and much more to make the contents alluring in nature could be quite a challenge.

7. The need to create a clear and distilled navigation is yet another challenge to make an amusing Learning Management System Software. Confused navigations can degrade the value of an LMS that is being circulated on the online platform.

8. Encountering technical fatalities is another challenge that the online platform for training and imparting education faces. This might frustrate the users at some point where they have been totally dependent on technology for guiding their path.

Final Note

Taking you through the advantages and disadvantages have considerably led to the conclusion that a Learning Management System is the perfect double-edged sword that needs to be used judiciously to rake in the right amount of appreciation towards this extravagant invention.

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