Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

The water city - Venice, has its own inimitable style. The numerous city channels, architecture and gondoliers suggest the thoughts of beauty and romantic. It is not surprising that the most of feasts and holidays in Venice are closely connected to arts in all of its aspects. If you could visit Venice in its grand magnificence, you will never forget it - definitely. What are they, the greatest holidays?

Venice Film Festival

The International Venice Film Festival is one of those world-important events that are worth visiting. It usually takes place in the end of August or September in Venice. The latest cinematographic news – feature films, sort-length films, documentaries, auteur films are represented to be judged during ten-eleven days. Having a golden lion – the main festival award, means to get a perfect reputation and ticket to a happy professional life. Of course, tourists and locals are in a hurry to get festival to see the newest films, walk through the Movie-village, enjoying the beauty of channels.

Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

Carnival of Venice

Two weeks before the Lent the city fills with romantics from all over the world: bright mask, costumes, music and laughing. Have you ever heard about the Venice Carnival? More than half of a million people come to see this Middle Age atmosphere. It is about thousands of years! Nevertheless, the tradition to hide their faces under the masks throws back to the past. The holiday starts with Columbine, scattering confetti. Try to catch at least one of those colorful sparkles to put it into your wallet in order to attract the luck.

All city inhabitants and places are involved to participate. You can join the feast anytime – the charming masks of all sizes and colors are sold on all streets and shops. Their price is about 15-20 EUR. Do not be in a hurry to buy the first available mask. It can happen than masks for 4-6 EUR are more comfortable, being equally beautiful and charming. As a rule the feast lasts for two weeks. The holiday ends with a bright costume parade and dancing. The bells ring that the Lent is coming.

Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

Festa della Sensa

This is the popular holiday of the Ascension of Christ. Usually, della Sensa starts in May. This is not a usual holiday, but memory of two important historical events of the city: Pietro II Orseolo saved Dalmatians from Slavic people; the Piece was established, liquidating the many years war between Papacy and Emperor.

The feast day is the place for exciting costume ritual of engagement Venice to the sea. Basically, della Sensa is day, when city government respectable representatives throw the ring into the sea. The holiday came back to Venice in 1965, offering wide and tasty program to all guests, to each and everyone.

Venice Biennale

Do you like art masterpieces? For everyone, who likes art the Venice Biennale was founded. By the way, this is the next reason to visit Venice at least for one day. The Biennale consists of several forums of different thematic. How about the Future of the World? For short, Biennale is the International Forum of the World Art. It takes place once or twice a year. What is interesting, the feast platforms are not concentrated in one place, but in Giardini Veneziani and all over the city, every here and there. Finally, you may learn a lot of interesting information and meet modern art.

Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

Historic Regatta

The historical regatta takes place every year the first Sunday of September. This tradition is more than hundreds of years. This is a beautiful costume event now. What is the most interesting for visitors – they can watch the gondolas racing over the Grand Channel. This is the main regatta in the whole country. It usually takes place in the end of May, beginning of June, spreading for 30 kilometers. The racing primary goal is expressing love to the city and objection to motor boats. Venice must be saved from the big waves. All desired can be participated the regatta – the sea of emotions!

Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

Festa del Redentore

This is the most colorful and bright event in the city and the most entertaining event of the year. It can be called the celebration in honor of world’s savior. The festival takes place every year in July, lasting for two days. The history of this holiday is impressive!

The worst disease of the 16th century – the Black Death has taken more than 50 thousands of people. The greatest painter of the Renaissance era Titian was also dead. The legend says that one of many greatest Venetians Sebastiano Venier promised to build a church in the glory of God if the dangerous epidemic could be stopped. The disease left the city in a year. The city government established to celebrate a new holiday in June.

This is the time when the long impressive bridge (330 meters long) of gondolas is usually constructed. It starts in Zattere, going to the church entrance. The gondolas are carefully decorated with balloons, lights, flowers, ribbons. The festival hot point is fantastic midnight firework. Just imagine: the thousands of gondoliers put their decorated boats into the river, waiting for fireworks. The gondolas, motor boats are full of celebrating people. They drink wine till the very morning. Venice citizens like spending their time outdoors, dancing, drinking, laughing – the sea of emotions.

Bright Colors Of Italy: TOP Venice Festivals

Summer is a hot season in Venice. The city is full of tourists and excursion groups. You know, they are not disappointed with high moisture level, more than 80 %. Never miss the Shakespeare Festival, or the greatest Opera Festival in the world. August is a season for Palio di Feltre. This is a traditional horse racing and Middle Age games. As you can see, Venice is always acceptable, in all weather and season. The prices are hot, as the summer weather is. Try to be wise and hire a car in Venice to shift quickly. Venice festivals are your chances to meet new friends, new impressions – catch it!

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